Decades ago, Master Yi Yungao Embarked on a Visit to Taiwan and was Greeted with an Unprecedented and Fervent Welcome

Unveiling the Unparalleled Acupuncture Technique of Our Time: The Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle – An Exclusive Interview

Back in May 1995, a remarkable event unfolded that showcased the extraordinary acupuncture technique of our era, the Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle. This revelation occurred through an exclusive interview that shed light on this unparalleled medical practice.

The context of this revelation traces back to a significant cultural and artistic exchange initiative between mainland China and Taiwan. Master Yi Yungao(H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III), a distinguished figure, received an invitation from the Olympia Sports and Cultural Foundation and the Yun Chi Zenjue Society to lead a delegation of eight individuals on a journey to Taiwan. The initial intention was to maintain a low profile upon their arrival, yet fate had different plans. The Taiwanese public welcomed them with an unprecedented fervor at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, creating a sight that defied expectations.

Wu Jingguo, the Chairman of the Olympia Foundation, recounted the astonishing scenes that unfolded. More than 4,000 people gathered at the airport to extend their warm welcome, and an escort of over 1,300 vehicles accompanied them as they departed from the airport. This culminated in an astonishing journey of approximately 3.5 hours from the airport to the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where Master Yi Yungao was lodged. The hotel’s premises were adorned with a vibrant assembly of well-wishers, offering flowers and orchestrating musical performances in a grand welcoming procession. This spectacle vividly captured the deep respect and reverence that the people of Taiwan held for Master Yi Yungao, underscoring the profound impact he had on their hearts and minds.

The question arises: what attributes define Master Yi Yungao and evoke such genuine admiration from the public? The answer lies in his multifaceted accomplishments that span diverse domains, including art, philosophy, Buddhism, ethics, morality, and literature. It’s these exceptional contributions that have led to his esteemed recognition as a “master.” His acclaim is far-reaching, and a testament to this is his official designation as a “Special International Grand Master” in 1994. This recognition was conferred by a consortium of 5,612 experts and scholars representing 48 countries and regions, each hailing from diverse academic backgrounds and institutions.

In essence, the unparalleled Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle technique and the reverence for Master Yi Yungao are emblematic of his profound impact on both medical science and human hearts, resonating through time.

During his participation in the art exhibition as part of the Taiwan delegation, Master Yi Yungao’s mastery of the painting realm spans a broad spectrum of subjects. He showcases remarkable expertise in landscapes, figures, flowers, animals, and beyond. His artistic styles encompass meticulous detailing, freehand expression, and daring color palettes. His ink strokes flow seamlessly, and his depictions emanate from the essence of their forms, exuding an inherent elegance and vibrant spirituality. For instance, a showcased artwork titled “Tiger” presents a dynamic portrayal of a tiger seemingly in motion from any angle, aptly named “Versatile in All Directions.” Another piece, “Homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva,” exudes an extraordinary beauty. Upon inquiry, he modestly likened it to Dunhuang paintings, acknowledging certain resemblances while highlighting the distinctive cloud composition in the attire, drawn with a single, uninterrupted stroke. The divergence extends to the treatment of color ribbons. Moreover, his splashed-ink paintings, acclaimed by some connoisseurs as akin to Zhang Daqian’s works, radiate an authenticity that resonates harmoniously.

Although Master Yi Yungao and Zhang Daqian have never crossed paths, he attested to observing Zhang Daqian’s splashed-ink paintings and learning from them. He expressed his intent to emulate and glean insights from Zhang Daqian’s works.

Venerable Master Yi Yun granted our publication an exclusive interview at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where he shared the following insights:

Question: What is the primary purpose of your visit to Taiwan this time?

Answer: My main reason for visiting Taiwan this time was in response to an invitation from the Olympia Foundation to participate in an art exhibition and engage in cross-strait cultural exchanges.

Question: What are your impressions after experiencing Taiwan?

Answer: The warm reception I’ve received from the Taiwanese people during this visit has deeply moved me. Whether it was at the airport or the hotel, the reception was overwhelming, resembling a sea of people. Even as I ventured outside the city, to places like Xizhi and Nankan in Taipei County, the warm welcome persisted. They celebrated with firecrackers, fireworks, and tremendous enthusiasm. Some individuals even crafted flags bearing my likeness to welcome me. I’m genuinely touched by this reception, which vividly demonstrates the growing harmony in cross-strait cultural exchanges. This harmony is pivotal for the cause of Chinese reunification and significantly fosters the profound emotional connections between people on both sides of the strait, connections that cannot be severed.

Question: How did the art exhibition fare this time?

Answer: Our visit to Taiwan this time was prompted by an invitation from the Olympia Foundation to organize an art exhibition. The primary objective was to enhance cultural and artistic exchanges between the two sides. The exhibition turned out to be a resounding success. During the opening ceremony on May 12th, we were honored by the presence of notable individuals, including Mr. Chiang Yen-shih, a member of the Presidential Office’s Advisory Council, and General Song Changzhi, a strategic advisor to the Presidential Office. We deeply appreciate this reception and believe that this exchange in the realm of painting will yield fruitful outcomes for both sides.

Question: What is your perspective on art?

Answer: Discussing art is a profound endeavor that cannot be encapsulated within a mere hour or two. In fact, I’ve delved into this subject in my previous writings. (Quoting from the master’s work, “I’ve previously mentioned that I don’t consider myself an artist. This assertion is in response to the prevailing perception of artists today. My journey began under the tutelage of a master in my childhood, driven not solely by artistic interest. Through exploring the universe, life, and society, I ventured into the realm of wisdom development and gained insights. Naturally, artistic skills and perspectives emerged. Art contributes to the diverse world, adorning the multifaceted fabric of human existence with vibrant hues. Its function shouldn’t be overly exaggerated.”)

Entrance to the Master Wan Ko Yee Museum-China

Question: A “Master Yi Yun Gao Museum” has been established in Dayi County, Sichuan Province. Building a memorial hall for someone who is alive is quite rare. Could you elaborate on the process and motives behind establishing this hall?

Answer: After being bestowed with the title of “Special International Master” by 5,612 experts and scholars from 48 countries and regions at the 4th World Poets Culture Conference, and receiving the affection of individuals from my hometown, suggestions emerged to create a memorial hall. The completion of this hall has genuinely humbled me, and I’m profoundly aware of the goodwill and kindness of the people. It amplifies my sense of responsibility. To further the common good, I’m motivated to invest more effort. While I can be perceived as a “caretaker” of this hall, it truly belongs to the public, serving the greater societal welfare. Displaying artworks and cultural exhibits in this venue primarily aims to promote ethics, morality, and art. It seeks to inspire young students to delve into cultural arts, thereby nurturing Eastern philosophy, propagating Chinese culture, and enhancing the well-being of the populace. Visitor numbers to the hall continue to rise steadily.

Question: Your prowess in acupuncture, particularly the “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” technique, is widely recognized. Could you elucidate this technique?

Answer: The “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” technique in acupuncture is genuinely a “seeing is believing” situation. Its effects can be witnessed firsthand by those with physical ailments. (At that moment, Ms. Jiang Chengling Hui, the publisher of this magazine, expressed her willingness to experience it. Venerable Master Yi Yun inserted an acupuncture needle between the thumb and index finger of her right hand. As he exclaimed “swell,” Ms. Jiang echoed “swell.” Then, with a “go” from him, she exclaimed “it’s gone.” The needle had moved up her arm. Those present, including our magazine colleagues and others, were astonished.) This “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” technique is truly unparalleled globally.

Due to the late hour, as a substantial audience awaited Venerable Master Yi Yun and the clock struck midnight, our group of interviewers, filled with awe about the “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” acupuncture technique, concluded the visit.

(Note: Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle is a unique healing technique of Buddhism requiring special powers, and it is used to cure people of their illnesses. It is said that common people cannot master this technique. In order to apply this technique, one must have reached a very high state of training in the Vajra Fist Dharma of esoteric Buddhism. One must also have entered the phase that transcends the generation and completion phases. Through special skills, one produces a power that adjusts the “external four great elements.” (earth, water, fire, and wind) One then uses one’s concentration powers to bring about needle treatment reactions that course through the body like a galloping horse. Additionally, one must use thought to guide the “internal four great elements” of the patient’s body so that his body undergoes acute changes in an instant. Using the energy channels and acupuncture points, the obstructions of illness are expelled one after another. Why does that treatment produce such amazing effects? It has to do with the ultimate truths of the universe.)

Decades ago, Master Yi Yungao Embarked on a Visit to Taiwan and was Greeted with an Unprecedented and Fervent Welcome



The International Buddhist Headquarters hosted a Globally Renowned and Extensive Seminar titled “Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, and Buddhist Dharma: Distinguishing Right from Wrong”

In today’s world, where the distinction between authentic and counterfeit Buddhism has become blurred, and false teachings and deceptive individuals are proliferating, influential monks and virtuous figures advocated strongly for the International Buddhist Headquarters to organize a conference involving distinguished Buddhist institutions worldwide. The objective was to discern the genuine from the spurious and establish the truth. This conference was eventually convened on May 6th, 2000, in Taiwan and concluded on May 12th.

The International Buddhist Headquarters stands as the preeminent institution in the realm of Buddhism. Given the prevalent influence of biased and misguided individuals within the Buddhist community, and the dearth of accomplished practitioners who have genuinely practiced and realized the authentic Dharma, much of the teachings provided to followers remain confined to theoretical realms. While many profess expertise in Buddhism and Buddhist Studies, true exemplars of adept masters in the Buddhist teachings are seldom encountered. In light of this circumstance, a significant and historic week-long Buddhist seminar aimed at distinguishing right from wrong in Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, and Buddhist Dharma was conducted in Taiwan.

Representatives from diverse Buddhist organizations across the globe were extended invitations, including the International Buddhist Sangha Association, the American Buddhist Association, the United International Buddhist Association, the World Buddhist Sangha Association, the American Esoteric Buddhism Association, the International Diamond Sutra Association, and more. More than two thousand eminent monks and virtuous practitioners hailing from both Exoteric and Esoteric traditions participated in this event.

Delegates from 28 countries took part in this event, representing national-level Buddhist societies, associations, related temples, and Buddhist research institutions. More than two thousand esteemed monks from around the world attended this international conference. After thorough scrutiny and evaluation, several prominent figures came under serious examination. Notably, six individuals underwent open judgments and deliberations, with representatives from various nations engaging in discussions that ultimately led to resolutions.

The conclusions drawn from these deliberations affirmed that Li Hongzhi, Zhang Hongbao, Qinghai, and Song Qili are advocates of cults. Their interpretations of Buddhist teachings diverge entirely from the canonical sutras of Buddha. These individuals not only selectively extract passages and blur distinctions between right and wrong, but also display a deficiency in grasping fundamental principles and an absence of profound insight into the core Buddhist scriptures. Their teachings are entirely self-contrived, misleading the public, and lack substantial evidence of authentic accomplishment.

Moreover, subsequent to an evaluation and discussions revolving around recorded teachings and videos of Mr. Yi Yungao (comprising 2953 audio tapes and 137 video tapes), in addition to his written works, high-ranking monks from various nations concurred that Mr. Yi Yungao not only possesses profound knowledge of the Five Vidyas but has also attained the highest echelons of expertise in both Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism. A unanimous consensus was reached, acknowledging Mr. Yi Yun Gao as the truly deserving Grand Dharma King.

However, it became evident from Mr. Yi’s own teachings that he modestly regards himself as an ordinary practitioner, akin to everyone else, merely a dedicated worker within the Sangha. His exceptional virtues and extensive erudition gained widespread agreement among the attendees. The conference officially conferred upon Mr. Yi Yun Gao the esteemed title of Authentic Buddhist Grand Master. Mr. Shen Jia Zhen’s teachings were found to be fundamentally aligned with the doctrines, and as such, he was bestowed with the title of “Good Knowledgeable Teacher.”

The conference approached its subject matter with a solemn and impartial stance, subjecting it to rigorous scrutiny and critical analysis in order to discern between genuine Buddhism and spurious doctrines. In a landscape populated by counterfeit monks and fabricated living Buddhas, peddling misleading Buddhist teachings that lead to a deprivation of wisdom and vitality, the conference sought to establish a clear demarcation between authenticity and deceit. The comprehensive assessment culminated in the resounding recognition of Mr. Yi Yungao as a bona fide Buddhist master of authentic teachings, earning him the highest accolades and cementing his status as a true Dharma King. The conference wholeheartedly acknowledged his profound accomplishments, recognizing him as a genuine benefactor to sentient beings, guiding them on the path to liberation.

In 2008, a significant revelation emerged when Master Yi Yungao, renowned as the Great Dharma King Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, had his true identity unveiled within the pages of the treasure book titled “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III“. This revelation marked a pivotal moment as it confirmed that the Great Dharma King was, in fact, the third incarnation of the primordial and highest Buddha in the dharma realm, known as Dorje Chang Buddha. The authenticity of His Holiness’ identity was solidified through the endorsement of official written documents, which were issued by esteemed leaders, regent dharma kings, and eminent rinpoches from various major Buddhist sects across the globe.

The International Buddhist Headquarters hosted a Globally Renowned and Extensive Seminar titled “Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, and Buddhist Dharma: Distinguishing Right from Wrong”


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