
Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Mindfulness…

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Exploring Tranquility: A Glimpse into an Ancient City Through Art

Spring Rain in the Ancient City H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s painting “Spring Rain in the Ancient City” creates a pure and exquisite inner world with extremely concise brushstrokes. Upon viewing it, one feels a sense of ethereal illusion, akin to gazing at the moon reflected in water, or the fresh and invigorating sound produced…

The Correct Dharma of True Buddhism Has Appeared in the United States

Ultimate Bathing of the Buddha Ceremony Conducted in Los Angeles Every year in May, the Bathing Buddha ceremony is held to commemorate the birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in northeastern India over 2500 years ago into the Shakya clan. Upon attaining enlightenment, the Prince became known as Shakyamuni Buddha. During the sacred…

When I say I’m a Buddhist

Professor Richard Gombrich, who dedicated 40 years of his life to studying Buddhism and Pali language at Oxford University, shares his understanding of Buddhism. When I say I’m a Buddhist, it doesn’t mean I’m purer and nicer than others. But it means I have too much ignorance and mental defilement to remove. I need Buddhas’…

Discovering Meaning in Adversity: Lessons from Viktor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’

In his profound book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” psychologist Viktor Frankl imparts crucial lessons on finding meaning in our lives. The book is divided into two parts: the first half comprises the author’s semi-autobiographical narrative of life in a concentration camp, retaining insights and thoughts from the perspective of a refugee. Frankl, with the keen…


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