Relatives of Western Disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Go to Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss

When Zhaxi Zhuoma’s close relative died, she asked H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, “What should I do?” As a result of her sincere request, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III performed a very wonderful and amazing ceremony that enabled her to see her relative, actually go to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati). This is a very high ritual of the Supreme Yoga Vajra Division, which cannot be discussed in detail with those who have not received initiation. However, she was able to report that she actually witnessed with her own eyes the miraculous scene where this person was transported to the sixth level of this Buddha-land that is beyond the worldly realms of suffering and sorrow. There are nine levels all together in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. This is the highest tier of the middle level, known as the Zhong Pin Shang Sheng in Chinese.

The picture of this person quivered in her hands as the ceremony began. It seemed that he could hardly wait. Or was this in response to the extraordinary dharma powers of the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III? It was a glorious and marvelous sight! There are no words that can express the joy she experienced when this event took place. His Holiness explained that this was because she was able to obtain a “glimpse” of the bliss that occurs in the Western Paradise. There is no other Dharma King or master who can do this! It was incredible!

Earlier H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III  allowed Zhaxi Zhuoma to see the sufferings of Hell. Now she was able to experience the bliss of the Western Paradise. The Petitioning the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Dharma is a very high and special dharma that is rarely practiced in this world. Many people want to go to the Western Paradise, but can’t. They would like to receive this dharma or have it performed for their loved ones, but can’t. Zhaxi Zhuoma said, “I have been with H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III  for six years and seen him perform very many forms of inner tantric initiations and received some, but this is the first time that I have seen him perform this particular dharma. It was only through the maturing of certain causes and conditions that this ritual was successfully performed.“

“My dear relative, who was ninety when he died, had been a good Christian man, but knew nothing of Buddhism. His only contact with Buddhism had been through knowing me, although he had also met my younger vajra sister, Ven. Akou Lamo Rinpoche, in 2003 when we briefly visited him while on tour of the U.S.. Ven. Akou Lamo Rinpoche is a great rinpoche from Tibet and also a close disciple of H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III . I am sure we were the only Buddhists he had ever even heard of, let alone met. “ This person had lived a good life and was very kind and generous, being willing to go to great lengths to help those who needed help. His immediate family, who are all also good Christians, were quite certain that he would go to the Christian heaven, but who would have thought that he would have had the good fortune to escape the realm of reincarnation altogether?

He had, after all, also been an avid hunter and fisherman and had killed many living beings in his life. With such negative karma, how could he be reborn in heaven? Needless to say, it would be even more impossible for him to go to the Western Paradise. But H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Buddha-dharma is so magnificent! I could actually witness my relative going to this superb Buddha-land and enjoying the incomparable happiness one finds there. His Holiness told me, ‘You are a rinpoche. That is why you can see this.’

“I was horrified when the minister giving the eulogy at my relative’s funeral praised him for teaching his grandchildren how to fish. I wanted to cry out “How can you praise someone for teaching children how to kill?” but I held my tongue and remained silent. In this rural community and this culture, hunting and fishing are very important, both for food and for pleasure. They do not understand the principles of either reincarnation or karma. It is only through the incredible merit, dharma skills, and great compassion of the H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III  that this could happen.

“Just eleven days after my relative left this world, his wife also left. She was also ninety. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was also able to raise her consciousness so that she could join her husband in the Western Paradise. I saw the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas come to the sacred mandala to receive her and witnessed their acceptance of her into the Western Paradise. This was a different ceremony held at a different mandala. At first it looked as though she might not be able to make it. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III went back and practiced the dharma a second time. This time he was able to send her to this paradise of eternal joy and happiness.

She, too, had been a good Christian, but knew nothing about Buddhism. She also did not have the good fortune to meet Ven. Akou Lamo Rinpoche. However, she was still able to go to the Western Paradise. It was so amazing. This was because of the incredible compassion and Buddha-dharma powers of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. The Buddha-dharma is magnificent!”

In 2004 H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III  performed another ceremony to raise the consciousness of Zhaxi Zhuoma’s non-Buddhist parents, Carl and Elsie Welker, to a higher realm as well. At that time she saw the Dharma Protecting Deities come to perform this rite. She was very, very grateful to her vajra master for his kindness and compassion in blessing her dear relatives. These miraculous Buddha-dharma events, performed for those who had not practiced or known anything about Buddhism, were all due to the amazing merit and compassion of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu. He was willing and able to share his boundless merit with these non-Buddhist to enable them to enjoy the blessings of Amitabha Buddha’s Western Paradise. This was a great teaching on compassion and true equanimity.


H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III reminded us that we must realize that reincarnation is not something that just exists for Buddhists or easterners. It existed before the coming of the Buddha or before Jesus and continues to exist even after they have left this realm. It is a fact based on the principles of cause and effect. It does not exist because people believe in it or talk about it—it just exists. Nor does reincarnation cease to exist just because people do not accept it or believe in it. Only the Buddha was able to see how the cycle of reincarnation worked and to realize the method for escaping the suffering that is inherent in continual rebirth in the six realms of existence. Only a Buddha is capable of understanding the workings of karma.

Some concept of “heaven” or a “happy hunting ground” or “paradise” is held by most religions. Buddhism recognizes these realms as well, but does not hold the various heavens or abodes of the gods (devas or angels) and other celestial beings to be the goal of spiritual practice. They could be viewed as a “rest stop” or a nice vacation site, as one can surely go to these wonderful places if one lives a good life, avoids evil, and accumulates sufficient “merit.” However, even in heaven, when one’s merit is used up (and it is very hard to accumulate more merit while in those realms—the pleasures are just too great), one must still be reborn and repay one’s karmic debts.

There is even no guarantee that living a good life is enough to enable you to have a good next life, for your karma from past lives may catch up with you on your next round. Only by becoming a holy or enlightened being (or saint), can one escape the cycle of reincarnation and the suffering of existence. The early Christians also believed in reincarnation, as do many Christians today, but it is not accepted as Christian dogma. There are two dharmas whereby one can go to the Western Paradise. One dharma involves repeatedly reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name. The other is Petitioning the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Dharma, which is a very high and special dharma that very few people who have lived in this world could perform. Shakyamuni Buddha and the Ugyen Second Buddha, Great Dharma King Padmasambhava, could do it, as could great holy dharma kings after them. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, however, is more accomplished than any of these dharma kings.

No wonder H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo Great Bodhisattva, who was once the leader of the four main sects of esoteric Buddhism, wrote a congratulatory letter highly praising H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s proficiency in both esoteric and exoteric Buddhism and his wonderful mastery of the five vidyas. That letter also praised His Holiness as being the first person in history to accomplish this. Zhaxi Zhuoma said that “to my knowledge, His Holiness is the only living vajra master who can perform such a ceremony involving great dharma and have the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas come to the sacred altar to help the deceased reach this high level of achievement. We are very fortunate to have such a holy one with us here in America.”


#DorjeChangBuddhaIII #HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII#DorjeChangBuddha#WesternParadise #Buddhism

Brief Introduction to Great Bodhisattva H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo Bodhisattva

A Great Disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo is a greatly accomplished person within Tibetan esoteric Buddhism who attained the rainbow body. He is a great Bodhisattva known and respected by one and all in Tibet.

He is also an extremely holy person who has made huge contributions to the Tibetan people. It was this great Bodhisattva who was the father of medicine, ferryboats, bridges, and operas in Tibet. He has brought to the living beings of Tibet limitless blessings. To this day, Tibetan temples and families continue to worship H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo Bodhisattva.

The first Tangtong Gyalpo left the household life to become a monk when he was very young. He studied the sutras and treatises and became good at debating the sutras. Although he possessed the Five Vidyas, he remained modest, simple, and down-to-earth. In order to provide a model of self-cultivation, H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo followed and learned under many people of great virtue.

He also engaged in solitary, quiet cultivation for a long period of time at the Eri Temple. Later, he received teachings directly from Dakini Niguma and became a person greatly accomplished in the dharma. People praised H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo with the following words: “In the vast realm of emptiness, there is a yogi who intensively studies emptiness and who is like the King of Fearlessness. His name is Tangtong Gyalpo.” He has also been respectfully called Zhibai Wangxiu Tangtong Gyalpo, which means the accomplished, free and unhindered Tangtong Gyalpo!

During a certain year in history, there was a serious drought and famine in Tibet. H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo conducted a Dharma Assembly in front of the Sakyamuni Buddha statue in the Jo-khan Temple in Lhasa. At that Dharma Assembly, he wrote “A Prayer to Eliminate Famine.” Many people then saw Kuan Yin Bodhisattva in the sky disseminating various grains. The famine ended not long after that.

There was another time when war and chaos occurred in the Muya district of Kham in Tibet, causing people to leave their homes and wander about. H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo made a vow and wrote “A Prayer to End War and Chaos.” People in that area very soon after that ended their mutual hatred and instead treated one another in a peaceful, friendly, and loving manner. There was another year when a pestilence broke out in a large area covering a religious site of the Sakya sect, causing countless deaths. The chanting of mantras and the offering of sacrifices could not end the pestilence. Thus, H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo again practiced dharma and wrote “A Prayer to End the Disaster of Illness.” As a
result, the pestilence disappeared forthwith. In previous times in Tibet, it was very difficult for people to cross rivers. The river waters mercilessly took away people’s lives as they attempted to cross the rivers. Thus, H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo made improvements to ferryboats and began building bridges. In that lifetime, he built fifty iron-chain bridges, sixty wooden bridges, and many temples. One of those temples was the Tangge Lakong (the Tangtong Gyalpo Temple), which was the first temple in the Derge region. With respect to medicine, H.E.Tangtong Gyalpo established the Medicine King Temple at Jiabori in Lhasa, invented a white pill that cured all kinds of internal medical diseases, and invented a red pill that cured epidemic diseases. Thus, he became the founder of Tibetan medicine. That white pill and red pill are used in Tibetan medicine even to this very day to relieve the sufferings of living beings.

This 600 year old bridge crosses the Paro Chhu (Paro River) and was traditionally restored in 2005 after being washed away during a 1969 flood. The bridge was originally built by the legendary Thangtong Gyalpo
Dungtse Lhakhang, a temple in form of a chörten near Paro in Bhutan was built by Thangtong Gyalpo. The roof construction is made of iron.

H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo Bodhisattva also wrote many Tibetan operas and established the Ache Lhamo opera troupe, the members of which acted out Tibetan historical stories through song and dance and pioneered Tibetan operas. The Achi Lhamo opera, with the starting troupe of seven sisters who worked on the saint’s bridges, is still performed and enjoyed hugely to these days during the new year celebration and on festive occasions. 

Achi Lhamo Opera Composed by Thang Tong Gyalpo Still Prevalent in Bhutan

H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo was the supreme leader of four esoteric sects within India, Bhutan, Sikkim, Mongolia, and Eastern Tibet. He possessed teachings from many dharma lineages, the most remarkable of which were the lineage to extend one’s life and the lineage to bring in wealth and change one’s fortune.
Everyone in Tibet, no matter what sect he or she belonged to, believed in and practiced such lineages and scriptures. Countless disciples of H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo became accomplished in the dharma under his teachings and attained great supernatural powers, wisdom and great compassion. More than one hundred disciples of his attained the rainbow body or the transformation rainbow body. All Tibetan people know that H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo is truly a great patriarch of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism and a great Bodhisattva. Later, each time H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo incarnated into this world. He was a great patriarch who spread the dharma, liberated living beings, and pervasively benefited people.

Thang Tong Gyalpo Present Reincarnation

H.E. the sixteenth Tangtong Gyalpo Bodhisattva (Thangtrul Rinpoche) took birth in Bhutan. His physical appearance resembles that of Guru Padmasambhava. Even when he sleeps, his eyes remain open. He saw H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu (Dorje Chang Buddha III) during a Dharma Assembly that took place in 2005 at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco, U.S.A. In a supernatural state of samadhi, he instantly saw that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha, the highest ancient Buddha in the dharma realm, had already come to this world again. He at once formally acknowledged H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu as his master. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III asked him, “Did you follow and learn dharma under Guru Padmasambhava? Why have you come here?”H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo answered
that he had received teachings directly from Guru Padmasambhava and from H.H. Sakya Trizin who is the nirmanakaya of Manjushri Bodhisattva. He also said that he had come to request the highest dharma in order to save living beings. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III immediately snapped His fingers, and a dharma bowl manifested awesome power. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III then accepted H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo as one of his disciples who is on the level of a great venerable one and performed an initiation for him. H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo took that dharma bowl back to his home country.

He later learned that the book A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma about the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata was about to be published. He thereupon organized many rinpoches to practice the Kuan Yin Dharma one billion times as an offering to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. He also sent his written congratulations stating that His Holiness is the master of Buddhas, the magnificence of His Holiness is supreme and that in this world no other holy being in history can compare with His Holiness.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III accepted H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo as his disciple at Hua Zang Si temple San Francisco

#DorjeChangBuddhaIII#HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII#HuaZangSi #Buddha #Buddhism #buddhist #Temple#GuanYinBodhisattva#BuddhismTemple#SanFrancisco#TangtongGyalpo #Buthan #Tibet



Who is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to Achieve such Astonishing overall Accomplishments?

A brief overview of the extraordinary achievements of H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III

Among all Buddhas in the Dharma realm, Dorje Chang Buddha is the Primordial Buddha, the first Buddha with form, and the only Supreme Lord of Buddhism throughout the entire universe. Dorje Chang Buddha propagated Dharma throughout the universe, hence, all other Buddhas and Great Mahasattvas learned Dorje Chang Buddha’s Dharma and cultivation to attain holy state and liberation, and eventually became Buddhas and Great Bodhisattvas. Dorje Chang Buddha is the primordial ancestor of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Samantabhadra, the Dharmakaya from which Dorje Chang Buddha perfectly manifested, is the Tathagata that has no form at all. The words and deeds of Dorje Chang Buddha are the compass and guiding principles of cultivation for all ordinary and holy beings in the universe.

To help Shakyamuni Buddha, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha II —Venerable Virmalakirti—applied His supreme wisdom and limitless supernormal power to edify Hinayana Arhats who then advanced themselves and eventually became Mahayana Bodhisattvas who helped living beings attain liberation. And, innumerable living beings attained liberationby learning the teachings of Venerable Virmalakirti.

After coming to the sahā world with the Buddha level enlightenment of the Primordial Sambhogakaya Buddha, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III established countless number one records in the world, every one of which was for the sake of benefiting living beings. At a very young age, He saved others without any regard to His own life and was honored with the title “Young Hero.” As He grew older, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III applied His inherent Healing Vidya to heal the sick, purely on a voluntary basis. More than 500 patients used to seek His help every day. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III never accepted one penny from them. Plaques and pennants with words of gratitude sent by the recovered piled up in the Buddha’s house.

As His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III continued to benefit living beings on a larger scale, the Central Newsreels and Documentary Studio of China produced a documentary, “One Who Is Dedicated to Advance Himself,” about His life and work. The film was shown nationwide.

In 1987, the highly respected young His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was named Chairman of the Chinese Painting Research Association of the National Commission of China for UNESCO. Honorary chairpersons of the Association included Liao Jingdan 廖井丹, Li Wenqing 李文清, Lü Ji 呂驥, Yuan Xiaoyuan 袁曉園, Wu Zhangshu 吳丈蜀, Qian Juntao 錢君匋, Xie Zhiliu 謝稚柳, and others. Advisors to the Association included Luo Zhanglong 羅章龍, Zhang Kejia 臧克家, and so forth.

In 1992, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was accorded the “Art Maestro of the East” title. In 1994, during the fourth conference of the World Poets and Culture Congress held in Hungary, 5,612 experts and scholars unanimously voted to confer the “Preeminent Distinguished International Master” title, which was a Head of State level honor, to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III.

The conferment certificate was signed by Juan Antonio Samaranch, the then President of the International Olympic Committee. In the same year, the Museum of Master Yi Yungao officially opened in Dayi 大邑, the hometown of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III in Sichuan. That was the first memorial museum in China, or even in the world, being built by a government for a living person.

In 1995, when His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III went from Mainland China to visit Taiwan for the first time, Taiwanese people spontaneously gave His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III an overwhelmingly ceremonious welcome. More than 20,000 people went to the airport to greet and pay respect to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. A motorcade of more than 1,700 cars followed the lead of police motorcycles to escort His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III from the airport to the hotel. That became the largest welcoming event in human history. Within the short three weeks that His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III stayed in Taiwan, General Chiang Wei-kuo 蔣緯國, former Secretary-General of the Taiwan National Security Council, and many other high level government officials formally requested to become disciples of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. They expressed that they wanted to truly emulate the noble morality, humanistic ethics, thoughts, and deeds of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III.

After His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III moved to the United States, His noble morality and unparalleled achievements won the love and admiration of the American people from all walks of life. In 2002, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was presented with the “Presidential Gold Medal” by the Commissioner to the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, on behalf of President Bush.

In 2003, the Organization of American States, composing of 34 countries including the United States, Canada, and Mexico,organized the Master Wan Ko Yee Yun Sculpture Exhibition in Washington D.C. at the Capitol of the United States.

The Master Wan Ko Yee Yun Sculpture Exhibition was also held at the Congressional Office Building. That was the first time the U.S. Congress held an art exhibition in their Congressional Office Building. Visitors expressed their praises in the guest book, exclaiming that the exhibition was “unprecedented,” and that the artworks were “treasures brought to the human realm by God.”

In 2004, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was named “Fellow” of the Royal Academy of Arts in the U.K.. Professor Phillip King, President of the Royal Academicians of the Royal Academy of Arts, presented the certificate to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III at the British Embassy in Washington D.C., capital of the United States. The Cultural Attaché of the British Embassy personally attended the ceremony. Professor Phillip King stated that His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was the first artist ever accorded this title in their renowned academy’s more than 200-year history.

The mayor of the U.S. capital Washington D.C.pronounced January 19, 2011 as “His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Day” and called on people to salute to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III.

His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was also accorded the “King Legacy Award for International Service & Leadership” by An International Salute to The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Dozens of great honors have also been presented to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III by U.S. senators, members of the House of Representatives, governors, and governments of all levels.

More remarkably exceptional, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III was awarded the 2010 World Peace Prize Top Honor Prize, presented to Him at the United States Congress on June 14, 2011 at the U.S. Capitol. On occasions of the holy birthday of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III, the U.S. Congress has held ceremonies to raise the national flag to celebrate, and President Trump and President Biden have sent personal congratulations.

In 2018, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council resolved that His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was the Pope of Buddhism of this world and decided to present the Pope of Buddhism Scepter to Him. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, however, did not accept the Scepter, but returned it instead. In September 2020, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council made a joint resolution that solemnly stated, “The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!” The two Councils also entrusted the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to present the Pope of Buddhism Scepter on their behalf to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III.

Upon coming to this world, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III immediately started teaching and saving living beings. He has always called Himself a “nameless cultivator.” His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III voluntarily served living beings and did not accept any offerings. One incident clearly shows how Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III taught and saved living beings selflessly. At the Heart Sutra Mandala on Xinhua West Road, Chengdu, Dharma Master Guozhang 果章法師 once recounted to some people that when he received initiation from His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III on Paoma Mountain 跑馬山, His Holiness the Buddha was only two and a half years old! After the identity of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III being the true incarnation of the Primordial Buddha was formally recognized by Dharma kings, regent Dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects in written congratulations and corroboration letters, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III continued, as always, to teach and save living beings solely on a voluntary basis, and whole-heartedly devoted Himself to serving living beings. Whenever people made offerings to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III, whether they were big or small offerings, in amounts as little as one dollar or as large as a few million US dollars, in the form of 37 acres of land in the city of San Francisco, or even a planeload or a shipload of gold, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III categorically refused to accept. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was whole-heartedly dedicated to serving living beings voluntarily.

In the many years that His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was propagating Dharma to save living beings, He imparted more than 2,000 Dharma Discourses in response to living beings’ levels and karmic conditions. Not only did His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III reveal the truth about humanity and the universe, He also elucidated the truths relevant to various stages of practices, from elementary to profound accomplishment levels.

Those Dharma Discourses were audio-recorded, and some of which such as What Is Cultivation 什麽叫修行, Sutra on Understanding and Realizing Definitive Truth 了義經, Imparting the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra 藉心經說真諦, and Learning from Buddha 學佛, have been published into books.

In restoring Buddhist texts to their original meaning, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III pointed out that the morning and evening chants used in Buddhist temples nowadays had been tampered with by the descendants of Mara, and those texts are filled with evil views and fallacies. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has corrected many errors made by patriarchs and translators in their interpretations of Dharma principles, and directly revealed the chaotic phenomena in Buddhism during this Dharma Ending Era. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III pointed out the path that everyone who wants to attain liberation must take: That is to build our foundation on practicing cultivation. After cultivating ourselves well, we can then learn Dharma, and naturally attain liberation and accomplishment. The correct truths and Dharmas imparted by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III enable listeners to develop their wisdom and good fortune, to help each other, care about each other, and be compassionate to all living beings.

In different countries, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has performed great Dharmas including Holy Amrita Bestowed by Buddhas 佛降甘露, Xianliang Great Perfection 現量大圓滿, Holy Fire Offering 勝義火供, Vajra Faman Determination by Holy Selection 金剛法曼擇決, Hayagrīva Raja Water Mandala Bead Divination 馬頭明王水壇珠卦, Determination by Holy Selection on the Regression or Progression on the Bodhi Path 菩提道損減增益法, Guaranteed Delivery to Buddha Land Dharma 保送法, Vajra Array 金剛陣, and Eight Wind Array 八風陣, all of which manifested authentic holy states, enabling living beings to see with their own eyes that Buddha Dharmas are scientific, have veritable power, and absolutely are not just empty talk or theory. More importantly, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has brought The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation to living beings in the sahā world, showing humanity the shortcut to attaining liberation. The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation is the highest Dharma that Dorje Chang Buddha transmitted to Amitabha Buddha as well as Buddhas and Great Bodhisattvas in the ten directions during their cultivation stage.

In The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has made the biggest and highest vow in the entire Dharma realm, “I bear all the sinful karma for living beings, I give living beings all the good karma and merit that I have planted.” Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has actualized the greatest and holiest vow, sacrificed His life to save the lives of numerous living beings, and returned to the Sambhogakaya Buddha Land!

The unprecedented records established by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III in this world:

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III was, historically, the first Buddha to have received the largest, unprecedented number of status-recognition and congratulatory letters by top level great Dharma kings and rinpoches.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III was recognized with the highest status in history: an Ancient Buddha.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first Ancient Buddha who manifested perfect mastery in Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, and perfection of the Five Vidyas. No one else has been able to accomplish the same in the past few thousand years.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III manifested Buddha-level wisdom in the creation of Yun Sculpture, which nobody has been able to replicate. Historically, this is the first art form that cannot be replicated.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first Ancient Buddha throughout history who only benefited others but did not accept any offerings.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is, historically, the first Ancient Buddha who manifested the most holy miracles.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is, historically, the only Buddha who could offer the kind of Buddha Dharma that enables disciples to attain liberation within two hours: Xianliang Great Perfection, the quickest path to successfully enter the Buddha Land.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III had the largest number of disciples who attained accomplishments; for example: Dharma King Daxila of the Tsalpa Kagyu Sect attained the rainbow body; respected layperson Wang Lingze 王靈澤 and Dharma King Gar Tongstan attained freedom from death and rebirth and passed away in a sitting meditative pose; Dharma Master Puguan 普觀法師 and Elder Monk Wuming 悟明長老 attained incorruptible flesh bodies; the Elder Monk Yizhao 意昭老和尚 vowed to return to the sahā world to save living beings; and many others.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has transmitted Dharma to disciples and invoked Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to come at a specific time to take the disciple to the Buddha Land; even non-Buddhists saw with their own eyes when the disciple Zhao Yusheng 趙玉勝 was taken away by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. Some disciples, such as Hou Yushan 侯欲善 and Lin Liu Hui-Hsiu 林劉惠秀, were able to visit the World of Ultimate Bliss, then return to the human world before ascending at a specific time to the Buddha Land. The above listed are just a few examples of the numerous Buddhist disciples who followed Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and attained liberation.

Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III possessed Buddha-level physical constitution and physical strength that are unmatched in the world. Just about a little more than a month ago, on December 23, 2021, at the Holy Miracles Temple, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III lifted the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle that weighs 437.2 pounds, by using just four fingers to hook on to the Pestle, lifted it up, and held it for more than 13 seconds, surpassing His own base weight standard by 72 levels. Taizun Poshan Waxiang 破山瓦象太尊 asserted: “In this world, from the ancient past up to now, and even before Maitreya Bodhisattva attain Buddhahood, no ordinary or holy being will be able to lift the Buddha Pestle that Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III lifted, surpassing His own base weigh standard by 72 levels!”

The morality of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is so noble, His accomplishments so great, and the holy miracles He performed so numerous that it is impossible for us to list them all. What was listed above was just a drop in the ocean. If we were to tell you about all the magnificent feats of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III, it would take more than ten days and ten nights. The magnificent greatness of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is not limited to His well-respected humanistic ethics, His noble personality and morality, His erudition, His distinguished accomplishments, His selfless compassion toward humanity and all living beings, and His passion in teaching and actualizing the practice of Buddha Dharma.Through altruistic endeavors, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III truthfully, sincerely, and persistently actualized the principle of compassion, and He diligently worked toward the development of world peace. Many people are moved and motivated by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. Many people in this world aspire to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III as their model, referencing His state of morality as their standard, and using His teachings as guidance to elevate their own morality and to benefit living beings. In doing so, not only have they fulfilled happiness in their lives, but many of them have ascended to the Buddha Land, attained freedom from death and rebirth, or attained even higher states of realization and accomplishments.

More importantly, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III pointed out a bright path for humanity to stay far away from violence, a path that leads to benevolence and loving kindness, successful endeavors, happy families, peace in humanity, and prosperity in societies. Throughout different countries and regions in the world, more and more people of different ethnicities and cultures are actively learning and following the teachings of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III to cultivate themselves and benefit living beings. Consequently, they have greatly elevated the level of morality in society, advanced human civilization, motivating more and more people in this world to become good, kind, and ethical people, and enabling the world to become an auspicious and green planet. These are the tremendous and inexhaustible contributions that Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has brought to all human and other sentient beings in this world, so they may increase their happiness.


#DorjeChangBuddhaIII #HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII#DorjeChangBuddha#H.H.DorjeChangBuddha IIICulturalAndArtMuseum#YunSculpture#Art#IrreplicableArt#FiveVidyas#Buddhism#Buddha#

Interview with Elder Monk Yi Zhao After Buddhas Bestowing Nectar Dharma Assembly

The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc., was held at the Library of the Congress of the United States. The book was also formally accepted into the collection of the Library of the Congress of the United States. Only since that time, did people in the world know that Master Wan Ko Yee, who had been broadly respected by the great masses and who had also been known as Great Dharma King Yangwo Yeshe Norbu, had been recognized by the world’s leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of Buddhism through official documents as the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, who is the primordial Sambhogakaya Buddha of the universe. The Buddha’s name is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Since then, people began to address His Holiness the Buddha by “Namo[1] Dorje Chang Buddha III.” This is similar to the situation that Sakyamuni Buddha’s name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama before attaining Buddhahood. However, after Sakyamuni Buddha had attained Buddhahood, His title changed to “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.” That is why we now address His Holiness the Buddha as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” In particular, on December 12, 2012, the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress officially used “His Holiness” in the name addressing Dorje Chang Buddha III (That is to say, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.”) Since then, the title and status of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been definitive by nature. And, as a matter of fact, “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a name used legally in governmental and official legislative documents. Therefore, the previously used respected name and titles such as “Wan Ko Yee,” Great Master, and Great Dharma King no longer exist. However, the news below was published before the Buddha’s title of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was publicly announced. At that time, people did not know about the true status of His Holiness the Buddha. Therefore, to respect the true history, we still kept the names used before the title of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was legitimately determined in republishing this news. However, all must clearly know that the only legitimate name of His Holiness the Buddha is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and all other names used before the legitimate determination no longer exist.

Elder Monk Yi Zhao, the rightful heir of the Dharma lineage of Elder Monk Xu Yun, holds the esteemed position of the 44th great master within the Lin Chi sect of Zen Buddhism. Currently, he stands as the highest master in the realm of Zen Buddhism worldwide.

In June 2000, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III presided over a Buddhas Bestowing Nectar Dharma Assembly. Following the assembly, an interview with Elder Monk Yi Zhao took place. The following is a transcription derived from the video tape of the Nectar Dharma Assembly.

QUESTION: Could you please briefly describe the wonderful occurrences that took place during the Buddhas Bestowing Nectar Dharma Assembly that you attended? ANSWER: We first saw the Dharma King. We then saw the Dharma King practice the Dharma to raise the consciousness of certain beings to higher realms of existence. We took a look and there were only a few wasps (yellow-jackets). After the Dharma King practiced the Dharma for a period of time, he said that he had already summoned many beings, such as solitary spirits, Kinnaras, etc. in order to raise their consciousness. When we went to take another look, we saw that there were many wasps. I do not know the exact number, but there must have been over ten thousand of them. During another period of time the Dharma King said that the raising of their consciousness is almost complete. Those wasps were specially benefited. Why were there all of those wasps? Certain solitary spirits, certain kinnaras and other beings took on the physical form of wasps, arrived at the scene and received the consciousness raising Dharma. What is receiving the consciousness raising Dharma?

We human beings must eat and drink in order to survive and grow. However, after those solitary spirits received the consciousness raising Dharma, they were able to take birth in a heavenly realm in the Western Paradise or in another buddha realm. We went over and took another look. We noticed that all of the wasps had departed. Why did none of them remain? They received the consciousness raising Dharma and were raised. Therefore, none of them remained, because they were liberated. This is what we first saw at the dharma assembly. The next part of the assembly was the “Buddhas Bestowing Nectar.” There were five or six of us. There were about a dozen monks and nuns. It was not only Chinese people who participated in this part of the assembly. There were even non-Chinese people there! At this time, a bowl was placed about 30 feet away from the Dharma King. What type of bowl was this? It was a crystal bowl. The crystal bowl was placed on the ground. The bowl was in the middle of two opposite lines of people. The bowl was not far from the two lines of people. Everyone sat on the ground and looked at the bowl. This crystal bowl had a lid and was a bit smaller than a washbowl.

There was another bowl that was small. Elder Wu Ming was asked to wash that small bowl with water. After he washed it, he was asked to wipe it dry. He wiped the inside of the bowl so well that not one drop of water remained. This bowl was then placed back inside of the crystal bowl. The Dharma King then told everybody to stare at the bowl. He said that our vision must remain fixed on the bowl. All of us began to stare at the bowl. After awhile, what did the bowl appear to contain? A meteor. Of course, it was not a real meteor. It seemed as if rain had fallen. What exactly was in the bowl? It was white. It descended with flashes of light. It took a while for it to descend. The Dharma King then told us to open the bowl and look inside. The small bowl was inside the crystal bowl, yet flashes of light could be seen within the crystal bowl. This interior bowl slowly became filled. What color was the substance that filled the bowl? It seemed to be white. It was not pure white. It looked like milk, but it was not milk. It was like that of the finest cream. It was a a very savory taste with a bit of sweetness. The Dharma King personally fed it to all of us during the Dharma Assembly. Rays of red light descended. Flashes of red light descended. The strange thing was that each person’s perception of the color of this light was different.

Why? Since each person’s level of cultivation and state of realization are different, there were differences in the supernormal states they perceived. I followed Elder Monk Xu Yun ever since I was young. I also met Master Tai Xu. The two of them practiced different dharma methods and therefore had different states of realization. I have met many practitioners of Buddhism such as those who practice the dharma of the Pure Land School, those who practice Zen meditation, etc. However, I have never seen the supernormal state of nectar descending from the sky. What about this time? This time, I personally saw it. I truly saw it. This is a very rare occurrence. I obtained a certain insight from this experience. Of course, people have different levels of realization. What did the Great Dharma King rely upon in his Tantric visualization? He relied upon our original nature in his visualization. The usefulness arose from the prajna of true emptiness. This even includes nectar bestowed from the sky. The light of the Tathagata descended out of emptiness. This was the wonderful effect of the Dharma King’s application of prajna.

What is Prajna? It is realization that all phenomena are empty. Things arise from true emptiness. Emptiness can bring about wonderful effects. Wonderful effects arise from prajna. All realities thus arise. All phenomena thus arise. Over the past several decades of my life, that was the only time when I actually saw the supernormal state of nectar descending from the sky. I have followed many great elderly monks when they practice the dharma in private. I could not see any effects. However, this time at the Dharma Assembly, I truly saw certain effects. Today I am describing to everybody the facts concerning nectar that descended from the sky. So that everybody will understand, I am not talking about exoteric Buddhism or esoteric Buddhism. I am saying that the wonderful effects of the buddha dharma are beyond logic and reason. If we cultivate ourselves sincerely, we certainly will experience these wonderful effects. Of course, if you meet a good teacher, your cultivation will progress rapidly. If you do not meet up with a good teacher, yet you still diligently cultivate yourself on your own, you will naturally encounter a good teacher in the future. These are my personal insights. Today I have briefly described nectar descending from the sky, which I personally saw. It truly occurred.

QUESTION: With respect to the effects of the nectar on you, after you ate the nectar, was there any great change in your state of realization?

ANSWER: After eating nectar one’s physical strength naturally increases and one’s internal practices are benefited. It helps one’s cultivation, no matter what method of cultivation one practices. Of course, this is something incredible. Whenever a thought arises in my mind, no matter what type of thought it may be, I will introspect upon it. I will immediately become vigilant. I will immediately introspect. If my mind has even just a little greed or anger, I will get rid of it. I feel better physically. Although I am now over 70 years old, my physical condition is not bad. It is a little better than before. I think that each person will experience different effects from having eaten nectar. Why? Each person’s karma is different and each person’s insights into life are different.

For example, fish see the ocean water as something to live in. Human beings view the ocean water as a means of eating, yet celestial beings see this body of water as colored glaze. Each person’s insights are different. Each person will experience different effects from having eaten nectar. Although the effects are different, the nectar will plant a certain seed within the person. Take for example, those who recite Amitabha Buddha’s name. Even though they continually recite Amitabha Buddha’s name, who knows when they will be able to obtain Buddhahood. However, some people recite Amitabha Buddha’s name only a few times or ten times, yet they are able to be reborn in the Western paradise. This is because the underlying karmic conditions of each person are different. Therefore, each person will experience different effects from having eaten nectar. Nevertheless, the nectar will provide each of them with benefits to further their liberation. These are my opinions, understandings, and feelings.

QUESTION: Did the lecture of the Great Dharma King provide you with any insight or great benefit?

ANSWER: What did the Great Dharma King speak about: Emptiness and prajna. Each sentence that he spoke contained prajna wisdom. It was not a general lecture. If it had been, then the words would have been simple. However, all of his words reflected prajna wisdom. That is, all phenomena arise out of emptiness. All of our thoughts of greed, hatred, ignorance, conceit, and doubt arise out of attachment to the concept of self or out of attachment to the concept that the things of the world are real. When these two attachments spur our thoughts, then the various afflictions arise. What type of affliction arises? Pleasure and suffering. From the perspective of our pure, original nature, pleasure and suffering are born of ignorance. Why? To do evil is suffering. One does evil due to the obscuration of ignorance. We can turn this around and speak of pleasure. There is an impure way of doing good. For example, when we do good, we might do so in order to be benefited in a future life. This is an impure way of doing good which leads to more suffering within cyclic existence.

This way of doing good is tainted. Why? When we do a good deed we must not have any attachment in our minds. If we have any attachment in our mind then we will not obtain liberation. Therefore, the Dharma King said that all phenomena are empty. Prajna is the most important thing in the nature of everything. We, if we can understand the Dharma King’s words that all phenomena are empty, then we can simply see the objective truth without giving rise to thoughts of suffering, pleasure, goodness, and evil. Everything arises from the coming together of the four great elements. We should realize prajna through understanding that true emptiness is the true nature of all phenomena. Wonderful effects are produced from true emptiness.

We should understand that all phenomena must go through the process of arising, existing, changing (deteriorating), and passing away. Living beings go through the process of birth, aging, sickness, and death. From where does this process originate? It originates from true emptiness. Using the prajna that has penetrated the empty nature of phenomena we can see the four great elements of earth, water, fire, and wind come together due to the maturing of certain conditions. The four great elements disperse when these conditions end. However, why do we become attached to the worldly phenomenon so as to give rise to all afflictions and all hindrances? We must rely upon the contemplation of prajna to eliminate all ignorance. we must use the flames of wisdom to burn away all negative karma created out of ignorance. every sentence spoken by the Dharma King was permeated with prajna. We will be tremendously benefited from reflecting upon his words. These are my impressions. In the future all one has to do is read just one of the Dharma King’s works and that will be enough. It will be sufficient to only focus on one method. Even if you only assimilate one sentence of the Dharma King’s words, the beneficial effects could last for your entire life or even last for an infinite amount of time in the future.

The original nature of all phenomena is emptiness. Out minds should not dwell on the past, present, or future. Our minds should not dwell on any phenomena or anything that exists in the external world. When we do not dwell on anything, what type of mind do we have? A pure mind. Our various views emanate from our consciousness and form the external environment. These views are based on ignorance. If based upon a pure mind, we are able to contemplate phenomena, yet not become attached to phenomena; abide in emptiness, yet not become attached to emptiness. If we are able to practice the total detachment of the Middle Way, then we can obtain liberation. Each sentence that the Dharma King spoke truly went to the heart of prajna. Each sentence has the potential to break our cycles of birth and death and totally eliminate our ignorance.

Interview with Elder Monk Yi Zhao After Buddhas Bestowing Nectar Dharma Assembly


#DorjeChangBuddhaIII #HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII#DorjeChangBuddha#HolyFeat #TrueBuddha-Dharma #Nectar #DharmaAssembly #MasterYiZhao #ElderMonkYiZhao

Bi Shang Zhi Gong – Skillful Brushwork

After learning about Eastern painting, American painter Graves said: “I realized that art and nature are landscapes of the soul, from which we can perceive the essence of human existence.” When you are fortunate enough to encounter these masterpieces, you will gain insight into the essence of Eastern art.

“Bi Shang Zhi Gong (Skillful Brushwork)” is a masterpiece of Chinese flower and bird painting that appears fresh and clear at first glance, profound in meaning after viewing, and unforgettable after further contemplation. The composition is extremely simple: in the center of the painting is a uniquely shaped bird with a flat, long beak and a spotlessly white belly. It sits comfortably and alone on the curved, thick trunk. Its eyes are ethereal and deep, as if completely focused; its posture demonstrates that wherever it is, is the focal point.

Upon careful observation, you will find that everything in the painting is in a state of colorful transformation. The bird’s head and back are painted with two blocks of ink that are close in shade, creating a melting effect, with the ink color seemingly still wet and spreading around.

The trunk’s ink lines are clear and distinct, resembling a tree yet not quite a tree, as if constantly changing in the impermanence. At the bottom left of the tree, a branch twists and turns out, creating an S-shaped composition in the painting that is still in motion. The painting also uses color sparingly, with only a warm and friendly purple-brown color applied to the bird’s beak and the trunk.

This painting has a fascinating story behind it. It was created in 1982 during the filming of a movie in Sanhe, Sichuan. The painting captures an on-the-spot portrayal of a real-life scene. The artist used ink sparingly, treating it as if it were as precious as gold, while still showcasing his exceptional skills. At the time, the News Film Studio of China was producing a documentary exclusively about the artist, Master Yi Yungao (H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III).

The cameramen and other observers witnessed a wild duck landing on a withered tree trunk. Master Yi Yungao quickly picked up his brush and swiftly completed the entire painting. By the time the wild duck took flight again, the painting had already been finished. Furthermore, the artistic mastery embodied in this artwork is extraordinary. It not only preserves the elegance, purity, and high-quality of traditional paintings but also introduces a new style—expressing the artistic conception of returning to original purity and simplicity. The artist, with an unfettered hand and mind, applies his most mature skills without the slightest attachment and with minimal, natural brushstrokes.

This masterpiece Chinese painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is rich in literary atmosphere and varied in layers. It does not merely depict the external world, but rather it serves as a true manifestation of the inner spirit, transcending the natural material form to open up the world through the illumination of life’s spiritual light, reflecting the spiritual world. Appreciating the painting can reveal the pure world behind it, where everything, including the self, is forgotten, remaining untainted.

This painting is part of the permanent exhibition at The International Art Museum of America, located in the heart of San Francisco.

Bi Shang Zhi Gong – Skillful Brushwork


#DorjeChangBuddhaIII #HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII#DorjeChangBuddha#IAMA#InternationalArtMuseumofAmerica #ChinesePainting #MasterYiYunGao

Ms. Han Suyin held the Young painter in the Highest Esteem, and His Artworks Reached Record-breaking Prices at Auctions

Han Suyin was born in Xinyang, Henan Province, China, on September 12, 1916, to a Chinese father and a Belgian mother. She was raised in a multicultural and multilingual environment, which greatly influenced her future writings and perspectives.

Ms. Han Suyin gained international recognition as a prolific writer, primarily known for her semi-autobiographical novels. Her most famous work, “A Many-Splendored Thing,” published in 1952, became a bestseller and was adapted into a successful Hollywood film titled “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing” in 1955. She authored numerous novels, essays, and articles that delved into themes of love, cultural identity, and East-West relations.

Ms. Han Suyin, an extraordinary figure in her own right, shared a remarkable connection with world leaders and spiritual luminaries from across the globe. Her life was intertwined with a little-known story of profound affinity with a great sage.

In February 1982, Ms. Han Suyin and her husband, Mr. Lu Wenxing, made a long-awaited journey to Sichuan, their ancestral homeland, to celebrate the Chinese New Year with their family. This marked her first return to Sichuan for the New Year since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. As a professional writer, she was an unwavering observer of the human and cultural aspects of her homeland. She once articulated, “My life will forever traverse two opposing directions, leaving love to embrace love; leaving China to return to China.” This succinctly summarized her life’s journey. Her deep love for this ancient land fueled an unceasing quest for individuals with profound philosophical ideals, firmly convinced that within the mystical realm of China’s ancient civilization, cultural giants awaited discovery to awe the Western world.

Fate and reason have their own ways. Soon, Ms. Han Suyin discerned her calling with remarkable acumen. While visiting an exhibition of Chinese paintings at Sichuan’s Wenshu Monastery, she was captivated by a yet-to-be-displayed masterpiece of a soaring eagle. The painting exuded vastness, antiquity, ethereality, and enduring profundity. Having toured renowned art museums worldwide and seen countless world-famous paintings, she found herself profoundly moved by this artwork, eagerly wishing to acquire it as a lifelong treasure. Regrettably, the exhibition had not yet officially opened, dashing her immediate hopes.

With the assistance of the local cultural department, Ms. Han Suyin eventually tracked down the artist behind the masterpiece. To her astonishment, the creator was an elegant young man, and an instant kinship developed between Ms. Han and this young prodigy. Their conversations touched upon a spectrum of subjects, from various styles within the Chinese art scene to global artistic movements and the evolution of humanistic ideals.

Upon parting ways, Ms. Han Suyin not only acquired the eagle painting for her collection but also handpicked two additional Chinese paintings, intending them as cherished gifts for her close friends. Thus, an international writer and an ancient sage forged a profound and enduring connection.

In 1993, eleven years later, Ms. Han Suyin reflected on this treasured memory, describing it as follows: “…I was the first fortunate individual to witness His artwork and immediately recognize His talent. His painting technique, marked by ever-shifting nuances and a compelling balance of strength and delicacy in each brushstroke, left an indelible impression on me. His vast knowledge and wide-ranging interests extended beyond art into the realm of traditional Chinese herbal medicine. His passion for medicine stemmed from his father’s status as a renowned traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Moreover, he ventured into enhancing a particular palace-grade tea and brought it to market. In recent years, he has dedicated himself to creating a significant work, striving to establish a new life philosophy rooted in the authentic principles of Buddhism and the universe. Consequently, he produced internationally acclaimed paintings. His series of paintings featuring Buddhist monks garnered high praise in Japan and Singapore. His achievements were also acknowledged in North America, where he assumed a professorship at the Sino-American Cultural and Arts Research Institute and served as the president of the Chinese Painting Research Association at the Chinese Social Welfare and Education Center in Beijing. I genuinely believe he is an exceptional artist, and I am firmly convinced that his unwavering pursuit of knowledge will lead to even greater accomplishments…”

So, who is this extraordinary sage whom Ms. Han Suyin esteemed, and whom the world came to admire? None other than H.H.  Dorje Chang Buddha III.

It must be acknowledged that Ms. Han Suyin’s discerning judgment was remarkably precise, as she firmly believed. H.H.  Dorje Chang Buddha III‘s achievements were indeed unparalleled. In 1994, at the World Poets Conference, 5,612 experts and scholars from 48 countries and regions acclaimed Mr. Yi Yungao (H.H.  Dorje Chang Buddha III ) as the world’s sole supreme international master, acknowledging his extraordinary contributions in Buddhism, the humanities, medicine, painting, and his lofty moral character. On September 28 of the same year, special envoys from the conference traveled to Sichuan to present him with the certificate of supreme international master, bearing the signature of the President of the International Olympic Committee, Samaranch.

In the year 2000, H.H.  Dorje Chang Buddha III‘s artworks “Thunderous” and “Great Strength Vajra” achieved prices exceeding 2.12 million dollars and 2.2 million dollars, respectively, in the international market. Then, in March 2015, his artwork “Ink Lotus” set a record price at the New York Spring Auction, reaching an astonishing 1.65 million dollars per square foot.

Vulnerable Dali Wang
威震 WeiZheng (Thunderous)

Ink Lotus

You can appreciate all these three masterpieces at The International Art Museum of America (IAMA).

Another piece, “Loquat,” measuring six square feet, was successfully auctioned at an astounding price of 10.2 million dollars at the New York Zhenguan International Auction Company’s autumn auction, establishing an unprecedented record for Chinese paintings in the auction market. When calculated on a per square foot basis, it reached an astonishing 1.7 million dollars per square foot. The painting, “Loquat,” drew praise from experts at the auction company during the autumn preview, exceeding the criteria of a “masterpiece” set by ancient Chinese art critics. They described it as follows: “In the style of H.H.  Dorje Chang Buddha III , this painting exhibits an ever-changing technique, with strength and depth in every brushstroke, and an endless charm.”

World news media reports have hailed H.H.  Dorje Chang Buddha III as an “unprecedented master in the history of Chinese painting” and as the “pioneer who propelled Chinese painting art onto the global stage.” At this juncture, we, the younger generation, express our deep admiration and respect for Ms. Han Suyin’s extraordinary discernment.

Ms. Han Suyin held the Young painter in the Highest Esteem, and His Artworks Reached Record-breaking Prices at Auctions


#MasterYiyungao #InternationalMaster #ChinesePaintings #MsHanSuyin #DorjeChangBuddhaIII  #HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha#IAMA#InternationalArtMuseumofAmerica


Decades ago, Master Yi Yungao Embarked on a Visit to Taiwan and was Greeted with an Unprecedented and Fervent Welcome

Unveiling the Unparalleled Acupuncture Technique of Our Time: The Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle – An Exclusive Interview

Back in May 1995, a remarkable event unfolded that showcased the extraordinary acupuncture technique of our era, the Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle. This revelation occurred through an exclusive interview that shed light on this unparalleled medical practice.

The context of this revelation traces back to a significant cultural and artistic exchange initiative between mainland China and Taiwan. Master Yi Yungao(H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III), a distinguished figure, received an invitation from the Olympia Sports and Cultural Foundation and the Yun Chi Zenjue Society to lead a delegation of eight individuals on a journey to Taiwan. The initial intention was to maintain a low profile upon their arrival, yet fate had different plans. The Taiwanese public welcomed them with an unprecedented fervor at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, creating a sight that defied expectations.

Wu Jingguo, the Chairman of the Olympia Foundation, recounted the astonishing scenes that unfolded. More than 4,000 people gathered at the airport to extend their warm welcome, and an escort of over 1,300 vehicles accompanied them as they departed from the airport. This culminated in an astonishing journey of approximately 3.5 hours from the airport to the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where Master Yi Yungao was lodged. The hotel’s premises were adorned with a vibrant assembly of well-wishers, offering flowers and orchestrating musical performances in a grand welcoming procession. This spectacle vividly captured the deep respect and reverence that the people of Taiwan held for Master Yi Yungao, underscoring the profound impact he had on their hearts and minds.

The question arises: what attributes define Master Yi Yungao and evoke such genuine admiration from the public? The answer lies in his multifaceted accomplishments that span diverse domains, including art, philosophy, Buddhism, ethics, morality, and literature. It’s these exceptional contributions that have led to his esteemed recognition as a “master.” His acclaim is far-reaching, and a testament to this is his official designation as a “Special International Grand Master” in 1994. This recognition was conferred by a consortium of 5,612 experts and scholars representing 48 countries and regions, each hailing from diverse academic backgrounds and institutions.

In essence, the unparalleled Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle technique and the reverence for Master Yi Yungao are emblematic of his profound impact on both medical science and human hearts, resonating through time.

During his participation in the art exhibition as part of the Taiwan delegation, Master Yi Yungao’s mastery of the painting realm spans a broad spectrum of subjects. He showcases remarkable expertise in landscapes, figures, flowers, animals, and beyond. His artistic styles encompass meticulous detailing, freehand expression, and daring color palettes. His ink strokes flow seamlessly, and his depictions emanate from the essence of their forms, exuding an inherent elegance and vibrant spirituality. For instance, a showcased artwork titled “Tiger” presents a dynamic portrayal of a tiger seemingly in motion from any angle, aptly named “Versatile in All Directions.” Another piece, “Homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva,” exudes an extraordinary beauty. Upon inquiry, he modestly likened it to Dunhuang paintings, acknowledging certain resemblances while highlighting the distinctive cloud composition in the attire, drawn with a single, uninterrupted stroke. The divergence extends to the treatment of color ribbons. Moreover, his splashed-ink paintings, acclaimed by some connoisseurs as akin to Zhang Daqian’s works, radiate an authenticity that resonates harmoniously.

Although Master Yi Yungao and Zhang Daqian have never crossed paths, he attested to observing Zhang Daqian’s splashed-ink paintings and learning from them. He expressed his intent to emulate and glean insights from Zhang Daqian’s works.

Venerable Master Yi Yun granted our publication an exclusive interview at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where he shared the following insights:

Question: What is the primary purpose of your visit to Taiwan this time?

Answer: My main reason for visiting Taiwan this time was in response to an invitation from the Olympia Foundation to participate in an art exhibition and engage in cross-strait cultural exchanges.

Question: What are your impressions after experiencing Taiwan?

Answer: The warm reception I’ve received from the Taiwanese people during this visit has deeply moved me. Whether it was at the airport or the hotel, the reception was overwhelming, resembling a sea of people. Even as I ventured outside the city, to places like Xizhi and Nankan in Taipei County, the warm welcome persisted. They celebrated with firecrackers, fireworks, and tremendous enthusiasm. Some individuals even crafted flags bearing my likeness to welcome me. I’m genuinely touched by this reception, which vividly demonstrates the growing harmony in cross-strait cultural exchanges. This harmony is pivotal for the cause of Chinese reunification and significantly fosters the profound emotional connections between people on both sides of the strait, connections that cannot be severed.

Question: How did the art exhibition fare this time?

Answer: Our visit to Taiwan this time was prompted by an invitation from the Olympia Foundation to organize an art exhibition. The primary objective was to enhance cultural and artistic exchanges between the two sides. The exhibition turned out to be a resounding success. During the opening ceremony on May 12th, we were honored by the presence of notable individuals, including Mr. Chiang Yen-shih, a member of the Presidential Office’s Advisory Council, and General Song Changzhi, a strategic advisor to the Presidential Office. We deeply appreciate this reception and believe that this exchange in the realm of painting will yield fruitful outcomes for both sides.

Question: What is your perspective on art?

Answer: Discussing art is a profound endeavor that cannot be encapsulated within a mere hour or two. In fact, I’ve delved into this subject in my previous writings. (Quoting from the master’s work, “I’ve previously mentioned that I don’t consider myself an artist. This assertion is in response to the prevailing perception of artists today. My journey began under the tutelage of a master in my childhood, driven not solely by artistic interest. Through exploring the universe, life, and society, I ventured into the realm of wisdom development and gained insights. Naturally, artistic skills and perspectives emerged. Art contributes to the diverse world, adorning the multifaceted fabric of human existence with vibrant hues. Its function shouldn’t be overly exaggerated.”)

Entrance to the Master Wan Ko Yee Museum-China

Question: A “Master Yi Yun Gao Museum” has been established in Dayi County, Sichuan Province. Building a memorial hall for someone who is alive is quite rare. Could you elaborate on the process and motives behind establishing this hall?

Answer: After being bestowed with the title of “Special International Master” by 5,612 experts and scholars from 48 countries and regions at the 4th World Poets Culture Conference, and receiving the affection of individuals from my hometown, suggestions emerged to create a memorial hall. The completion of this hall has genuinely humbled me, and I’m profoundly aware of the goodwill and kindness of the people. It amplifies my sense of responsibility. To further the common good, I’m motivated to invest more effort. While I can be perceived as a “caretaker” of this hall, it truly belongs to the public, serving the greater societal welfare. Displaying artworks and cultural exhibits in this venue primarily aims to promote ethics, morality, and art. It seeks to inspire young students to delve into cultural arts, thereby nurturing Eastern philosophy, propagating Chinese culture, and enhancing the well-being of the populace. Visitor numbers to the hall continue to rise steadily.

Question: Your prowess in acupuncture, particularly the “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” technique, is widely recognized. Could you elucidate this technique?

Answer: The “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” technique in acupuncture is genuinely a “seeing is believing” situation. Its effects can be witnessed firsthand by those with physical ailments. (At that moment, Ms. Jiang Chengling Hui, the publisher of this magazine, expressed her willingness to experience it. Venerable Master Yi Yun inserted an acupuncture needle between the thumb and index finger of her right hand. As he exclaimed “swell,” Ms. Jiang echoed “swell.” Then, with a “go” from him, she exclaimed “it’s gone.” The needle had moved up her arm. Those present, including our magazine colleagues and others, were astonished.) This “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” technique is truly unparalleled globally.

Due to the late hour, as a substantial audience awaited Venerable Master Yi Yun and the clock struck midnight, our group of interviewers, filled with awe about the “Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle” acupuncture technique, concluded the visit.

(Note: Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle is a unique healing technique of Buddhism requiring special powers, and it is used to cure people of their illnesses. It is said that common people cannot master this technique. In order to apply this technique, one must have reached a very high state of training in the Vajra Fist Dharma of esoteric Buddhism. One must also have entered the phase that transcends the generation and completion phases. Through special skills, one produces a power that adjusts the “external four great elements.” (earth, water, fire, and wind) One then uses one’s concentration powers to bring about needle treatment reactions that course through the body like a galloping horse. Additionally, one must use thought to guide the “internal four great elements” of the patient’s body so that his body undergoes acute changes in an instant. Using the energy channels and acupuncture points, the obstructions of illness are expelled one after another. Why does that treatment produce such amazing effects? It has to do with the ultimate truths of the universe.)

Decades ago, Master Yi Yungao Embarked on a Visit to Taiwan and was Greeted with an Unprecedented and Fervent Welcome



Buddha-dharma, Buddhist Studies And Popular Buddhism

Buddha-dharma, Buddhist Studies And Popular Buddhism

 In Taichung there is an elderly layman. All nine members of his family are devout Buddhists. They have followed and learned from a famous old monk for many years. However, what they hear from this old monk is completely theory. Each of them can talk about the sutras in a clear and logical fashion. However, none of them have real skills associated with the Buddha-dharma.

            In the autumn of 1995 the Elder Dharma King happened to be in Taiwan propagating the dharma.  The elderly layman requested instruction from the Elder Dharma King by saying, “This year I am already eighty-one years old.  I do things in furtherance of Buddhism everyday.  I have donated over one-half of my vast wealth.  Nevertheless, I have never seen a real Buddha or Bodhisattva.  The only knowledge I have of supernormal dharma powers comes from what I read in books.  Why do the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas not come down to our house?  May I ask the Elder Dharma King, what is the Buddha-dharma?”

When the Dharma King heard these words, he chanted “Wobamei!”  He then said, “Layman, you all have not learned the Buddha-dharma.  How could you have any true skills?” When all of the members of the layman’s family heard this, they felt quite surprised.  With his brows tightly knit, the old layman said, “My entire family devoutly learns Buddhism and recites sutras. How is it that we are not learning the Buddha-dharma? Could it be said that these sutras are all false?”

The Elder Dharma King said, “It is true that all of you are reading sutras and learning Buddhism.  Those sutras are genuine sutras and are dharma treasures.  The knowledge concerning Buddhism which those old monks impart to all of you is also genuine knowledge.  However, this is Buddhist studies.  It is not the Buddha-dharma!  In Esoteric Buddhism, Buddhist studies is called the exoteric teachings portion.  This is what we are required to learn when we first enter Esoteric Buddhism.  After we have learned the exoteric teachings portion and we have this foundation of theory, we must then enter into real, practical cultivation of our conduct, speech and thoughts.  The process of putting this into practice is called cultivation of the Buddha-dharma.

“Take, for example, the practice whereby one invites the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to bestow nectar. In theory, people think that this is simply reciting mantras, reciting passages from sutras and visualizing.  In theory, people think that nectar is simply water which has been empowered by mantras. However, in the real practice of the Buddha-dharma, there is a special dharma method to invite the Buddhas to directly bestow true nectar from the sky. The shape of this nectar is unlike any other thing on this earth. It has unlimited power. It can cure all illnesses and can easily increase one’s life span! This is because this is the Buddha-dharma, not Buddhist studies.”

The old layman said, “I received the Kalachakra Vajra Initiation from the Dalai Lama!”  Elder Dharma King Losang said, “Last year a Great Rinpoche wanted to introduce the Dalai Lama to me.  I did not have any spare time.  I wanted to do other things in furtherance of the Buddha-dharma.  I did not meet him.  I do not know much about him and will not comment on him.  I do not have any right to inquire into that initiation.  I hope that you are able to receive benefits from it.”

When the old layman and his family heard this, it was as if they had awakened from a big dream.  Their eyes became teary, they knelt down on the ground and respectfully requested the Elder Dharma King to teach them the dharma.  After a moment, the Elder Dharma King slowly said, “Today I will teach the dharma to your entire family.  I will also teach the dharma to all living beings.”  Following his words, a beam of red light emanated from in between his eyebrows which circled the room.  The Elder Dharma King then said, “Do no evil.  Do that which is good.  Deeply study the sutras. This is Buddhist studies.  Do no evil.  Do that which is good.  Recite the Buddha’s name with all your mind.  This is the way to ascend to the Pure Land.  Do no evil. Do that which is good.  Deeply study the sutras.  Esoteric initiations in which supernormal powers are manifested and which comply with Know the True Doctrine is the Buddha-dharma.”

After the old layman heard these words, he put his palms together and respectfully asked, “Other than Know the True Doctrine, what books should I read?”  Dharma King Losang said, “With respect to Know the True Doctrine, it is enough if you understand its contents.  The most important thing is that you read the books of Ah Wang Nuo Bu Pa Muand Great Dharma King Yangwo Yisinubu [H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III].  The more you read such books the better.  You must also live in accordance with the principles contained therein.  This is the best method!”

The old layman said, “I will remember your words. I would like to ask another question.  Does every Rinpoche have a mind which regards all things as equal?” The Elder Dharma King instructed, “The most difficult thing to attain in one’s cultivation and in one’s practice of the Buddha-dharma is a mind which regards all things as equal.  Without such a mind, one will pursue fame, gain, riches, high government positions and occupation of other people’s land.  One with a mind which regards all things as equal does not pursue such things.

“For example, some people want to cut apart my native place, Tibet.  Actually, this way of thinking is a deviation from cultivation.  Is this cultivation or is this fighting for something based upon personal desire?  Tibetan people, Chinese people and people of every other race and ethnicity should all be considered our close family members who are on an equal footing!  We should cause all of these people to unite so that they can live together in friendship and love and develop their common happiness.  The Buddha taught us that all living beings have the Buddha nature and that we should treat them equally and with love.  We should not desire government positions.  Only by cutting off the concept of self, cutting off erroneous thinking and cutting off attachment to things of the world can one reach high spiritual states!  This is the certain truth of the Buddha-dharma.  We must love others equally in order that we may give rise to the four limitless states of mind.   With the four limitless states of mind as our foundation, we will be able to enter into the state of the sacred bodhi mind.  If one cannot even renounce selfish desires and cannot even look after all living beings on an equal basis, then how can one enlighten oneself and enlighten others?”


The International Buddhist Headquarters hosted a Globally Renowned and Extensive Seminar titled “Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, and Buddhist Dharma: Distinguishing Right from Wrong”

In today’s world, where the distinction between authentic and counterfeit Buddhism has become blurred, and false teachings and deceptive individuals are proliferating, influential monks and virtuous figures advocated strongly for the International Buddhist Headquarters to organize a conference involving distinguished Buddhist institutions worldwide. The objective was to discern the genuine from the spurious and establish the truth. This conference was eventually convened on May 6th, 2000, in Taiwan and concluded on May 12th.

The International Buddhist Headquarters stands as the preeminent institution in the realm of Buddhism. Given the prevalent influence of biased and misguided individuals within the Buddhist community, and the dearth of accomplished practitioners who have genuinely practiced and realized the authentic Dharma, much of the teachings provided to followers remain confined to theoretical realms. While many profess expertise in Buddhism and Buddhist Studies, true exemplars of adept masters in the Buddhist teachings are seldom encountered. In light of this circumstance, a significant and historic week-long Buddhist seminar aimed at distinguishing right from wrong in Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, and Buddhist Dharma was conducted in Taiwan.

Representatives from diverse Buddhist organizations across the globe were extended invitations, including the International Buddhist Sangha Association, the American Buddhist Association, the United International Buddhist Association, the World Buddhist Sangha Association, the American Esoteric Buddhism Association, the International Diamond Sutra Association, and more. More than two thousand eminent monks and virtuous practitioners hailing from both Exoteric and Esoteric traditions participated in this event.

Delegates from 28 countries took part in this event, representing national-level Buddhist societies, associations, related temples, and Buddhist research institutions. More than two thousand esteemed monks from around the world attended this international conference. After thorough scrutiny and evaluation, several prominent figures came under serious examination. Notably, six individuals underwent open judgments and deliberations, with representatives from various nations engaging in discussions that ultimately led to resolutions.

The conclusions drawn from these deliberations affirmed that Li Hongzhi, Zhang Hongbao, Qinghai, and Song Qili are advocates of cults. Their interpretations of Buddhist teachings diverge entirely from the canonical sutras of Buddha. These individuals not only selectively extract passages and blur distinctions between right and wrong, but also display a deficiency in grasping fundamental principles and an absence of profound insight into the core Buddhist scriptures. Their teachings are entirely self-contrived, misleading the public, and lack substantial evidence of authentic accomplishment.

Moreover, subsequent to an evaluation and discussions revolving around recorded teachings and videos of Mr. Yi Yungao (comprising 2953 audio tapes and 137 video tapes), in addition to his written works, high-ranking monks from various nations concurred that Mr. Yi Yungao not only possesses profound knowledge of the Five Vidyas but has also attained the highest echelons of expertise in both Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism. A unanimous consensus was reached, acknowledging Mr. Yi Yun Gao as the truly deserving Grand Dharma King.

However, it became evident from Mr. Yi’s own teachings that he modestly regards himself as an ordinary practitioner, akin to everyone else, merely a dedicated worker within the Sangha. His exceptional virtues and extensive erudition gained widespread agreement among the attendees. The conference officially conferred upon Mr. Yi Yun Gao the esteemed title of Authentic Buddhist Grand Master. Mr. Shen Jia Zhen’s teachings were found to be fundamentally aligned with the doctrines, and as such, he was bestowed with the title of “Good Knowledgeable Teacher.”

The conference approached its subject matter with a solemn and impartial stance, subjecting it to rigorous scrutiny and critical analysis in order to discern between genuine Buddhism and spurious doctrines. In a landscape populated by counterfeit monks and fabricated living Buddhas, peddling misleading Buddhist teachings that lead to a deprivation of wisdom and vitality, the conference sought to establish a clear demarcation between authenticity and deceit. The comprehensive assessment culminated in the resounding recognition of Mr. Yi Yungao as a bona fide Buddhist master of authentic teachings, earning him the highest accolades and cementing his status as a true Dharma King. The conference wholeheartedly acknowledged his profound accomplishments, recognizing him as a genuine benefactor to sentient beings, guiding them on the path to liberation.

In 2008, a significant revelation emerged when Master Yi Yungao, renowned as the Great Dharma King Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, had his true identity unveiled within the pages of the treasure book titled “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III“. This revelation marked a pivotal moment as it confirmed that the Great Dharma King was, in fact, the third incarnation of the primordial and highest Buddha in the dharma realm, known as Dorje Chang Buddha. The authenticity of His Holiness’ identity was solidified through the endorsement of official written documents, which were issued by esteemed leaders, regent dharma kings, and eminent rinpoches from various major Buddhist sects across the globe.

The International Buddhist Headquarters hosted a Globally Renowned and Extensive Seminar titled “Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, and Buddhist Dharma: Distinguishing Right from Wrong”


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Chinese Calligraphy: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

精神 Spirit by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Calligraphy Artworks

Chinese calligraphy has transcended its role as a mere communication tool and has become an art form highly esteemed even in an era dominated by ballpoint pens and computers. No longer limited to intellectuals and officials, calligraphy is now practiced by professional artisans and enthusiastic amateurs. Calligraphers employ brushes to beautifully ink five distinct styles of script: ‘seal’, ‘official’, ‘cursive’, ‘running’, and ‘regular’. While calligraphy can be found on various surfaces, even adorning the rocky walls of cliffs, it is most commonly seen on letters, scrolls, literary works, and fan coverings.

Throughout history, the Chinese have believed that no art form or field of study can truly reflect a person’s moral character and knowledge as effectively as calligraphy. The accomplishments or creations in other arts or fields often overshadow one’s shortcomings in knowledge and character. However, calligraphy stands apart from this convention. It functions as a three-dimensional mirror, projecting the depth of knowledge, moral character, and mental strength with each brushstroke. There is no hiding or concealing these qualities. When examining an individual’s ordinary handwriting of Chinese characters, one can often discern their level of education. This is even more evident when examining their calligraphy.

In the annals of history, there is no account of an unknowledgeable person making significant contributions to calligraphy. Profound and extensive knowledge does not necessarily guarantee expertise in calligraphy. However, great calligraphers possess both knowledge and skillful brushwork. Without exception, the renowned calligraphers of past generations were literary masters who possessed deep knowledge. Notable examples include Xizhi Wang, Su Huai, Shaoji He, Huaiguan Zhang, Fei Yue, and in more recent times, Youren Yu. Each of them was an erudite literary figure and exemplar of virtue.

Knowledge serves as the pillar and cornerstone of calligraphy, while moral character is reflected in the style and allure of the art form. Thus, calligraphy demands a combination of knowledge and moral character.

When one appreciate the calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, one can understand that why chinese believe that calligraphy combines one’s knowledge, moral character and mental strength .The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is not bound by worldly conventions and is devoid of unnecessary flamboyance. It is highly refined and based upon ingenious artistic conception. His Holiness’s strokes are sometimes written in a swift curling style.
However, in an instant, His Holiness can express the innocent and natural charm of a child. There is wonder in even common strokes. His calligraphy is naturally graceful, exhibiting depth and brilliance. The calligraphy of His Holiness contains an invisible force that makes the characters seem much grander than they appear on a superficial level. His strokes look harmoniously smooth and unbroken. The Chinese characters may appear strong and vigorous, like a soaring dragon or mighty tiger. They may appear clear and gently elegant, like slowly floating clouds, cranes flying among pine trees, or dancing swans. They may appear simple and unadorned, like the free heart of a child. They are gracefully understated and completely devoid of any mundane quality. The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IlI is natural in quality and resonates with the true nature of the universe. A deep power underlies His Holiness’s strokes.

Photo by Klub Boks on
Crane Dance by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III at 1990

Red-crowned cranes tend not to build ness for themselves since they often stay in various places. When quiet, they frequently engage in meditational observation. When in motion, they frequently dance. Their nature is noble, pure, elegant and simple. They develop their virtue, are not attached to a specific abode, and take care of themselves so as to enjoy their natural lifespan. That is why since ancient times they have been praised for their longevity.

The ability of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to reach such great heights in calligraphy is completely due to His Holiness’s vast knowledge and profound talents. Of course, His Holiness is extremely adept at learning from the styles of others since this is a simple matter for a Buddha. For example, even in the initial stage of learning calligraphy, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had solid skills in the traditional cursive style of writing and also had extensive learning.

Calligraphy : A Qi jue poem (Thin Gold Cursive Style of Calligraphy)

Above is a qi jue poem written by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIat 1982. A qi jue poem is a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. The phonetic reading of the poem is as follows: “hua gong ri yue li yang tian, xi cheng xi feng liu yue xian, gu peng lai cong ba sheng wang, shi zhi shu qi yi dong can.” One can see that this work has surpassed all traces of the mundane and has transcended all earthly impurities. Its style is lofty and pure.
When that poem was written, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was living in the seclusion of an ancient temple. His Holiness used his extraordinary realization to express his thoughts and feelings. The first line expresses that although His Holiness lived alone and secluded in the room of a temple, He governed the universe and bestowed blessings upon living beings.
The next line, “xi cheng xi feng liu yue xian,” conveys the scene that during the idle month of June H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III bathed in the Buddha-state of coolness while under the scorching sun. His Holiness was free of all worldly cares and attachments, and his body merged with the universe. When friends came, His Holiness heard the horns of their cars, but He had already transcended the world, residing in quietude and non-action. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III kept no notion of the date, and His Holiness’s mind did not abide in anything whatsoever. The people of the world were ignorantly attached to the changing seasons and came in their cars and horses to inform H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that summer had long passed and the winter was about to end. The ancient Buddha acknowledged this and smiled.

In recent years, there are works of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that have been written in the cursive mode of calligraphy, showing a flowing and unobstructed style, and expressing even more than before the charm of this writing technique. For example, the work Fei Cui Jade expresses the spirit of an immortal or Buddha, thoroughly transcending the three worlds of reincarnation, standing proudly above the five elements of the universe. It is truly calligraphy beyond the category of calligraphy, expressing a feeling that incorporates the whole universe.

Fei Cui Jade: Created with an unfettered hand and unattached mind, it has the appearance of a celestial writing accomplished with a childlike mind and steady strokes of the brush.

His Holiness’s calligraphy of the Chinese characters lang ga luo bu (Treasure of Heaven) excels the writing of calligraphers throughout history. It transcends all traces of worldliness. It expresses deep strength, like that which can break jade. The style of another calligraphic work called wu wo nai da cheng (No-Self Is Great Accomplishment), conveys the firmness and simplicity of steel and the vigor of a sharp knife. However, these same characters also contain delicate beauty. That calligraphic style truly surpasses styles of the past and present.

Lang ga luo bu (Treasure of Heaven)

Another calligraphic style of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is revealed in the writing of the Chinese characters xiao bu dian (Tiny). Such calligraphy shows the childlike innocence of a very old man, and its arrangement expresses the utmost ease and lack of rigid constraints. It is high-class calligraphy that does not even seem to be calligraphy. It is so elegant and refined that it completely transcends the mundane.

Tiny (Xiao bu dian)

Beholding the character sheng (holy) written by His Holiness, one can see that it simultaneously embodies both the softness of ribbons and the inner-firmness of steel. Its inner beauty flows to the surface. Another example is the character fo, which means Buddha. The writing of that character demonstrates that His Holiness has truly attained the summit of calligraphic skills that the ancients extolled in the old saying, “the old pine branch cannot be weighed down by heavy snow; the might of a brush will lift a thousand-pound bronze cauldron.”

The Chinese character “sheng,” which means “holy.”
The Chinese character “fo,” which means “Buddha.”

In fact, the calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has a deep foundation and an internal richness. It embodies the manifold sensations that one could possibly experience in one lifetime. The essence of all things in the universe converges at the tip of His Holiness’s brush. With such a transcendent state of realization, the myriad things of the universe are in the palm of this Buddha. The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is like a treasury. It can be vigorous, smooth, or naturally beautiful. His Holiness incorporates the best techniques of all of the schools of calligraphy. No words can really describe this!
His Holiness’s calligraphic skills have reached the highest degree of proficiency and naturalness that only a Buddha could reach!

The Way to the True Source of Calligraphy and Painting
No-Self Is Great Accomplishment
Hua Zang Si (Inscription of a Buddhist temple in San Francisco)

Chinese ancient poem Han Shan Si Temple in rapid cursive style by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

You can discover a wealth of calligraphy artworks at The International Art Museum of America, situated in downtown San Francisco.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Calligraphy Artworks


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